Directions to Aplus Storage (York)

Map to Our Storage Facility

Conveniently Located Near You!

Self, Climate Controlled Storage Facility York, PA

Aplus Storage is conveniently located at: 
27 Cloverleaf Road, York, PA 17406.

Exit 28 (Strinestown) off Interstate 83 - Between Harrisburg & York

From Harrisburg:  Take I-83 South to Exit 28 (Strinestown), then turn right at the signal light, turn left just after the Rutter's Farm Store onto Cloverleaf Road.  Aplus Storage is less than 1/4 mile on the left.

From York:  Take I-83 North to Exit 28 (Strinestown), then turn left at the signal light and cross over I-83.  Go straight through the next signal light and turn left just after the Rutter's Farm Store onto Cloverleaf Road.  Aplus Storage is less than 1/4 mile on the left.

Self-Serve Facility

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(717) 266-6678

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27 Cloverleaf Rd York, PA 17406

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